Pilgrim Magazine publishes place-based, mission-inspired stories that take readers on rich adventures through narrative storytelling. While journeys are at the root of all we do, journeying with purpose, cultural awareness, and compassion are unshakeable values.
We believe that Pilgrims live their stories, with a deep awareness that there are ever-evolving narratives happening all around us. Pilgrims are people who are curious, observant, and receptive. People who are doing beautiful, meaningful things—who believe in purposeful living. People who not only talk to strangers, but listen to them. People who take the long way and believe that wrong turns are often right turns. People who read and sing and think and create and aimlessly wander and color outside the lines. People who are advocates for fellow humans, conscientious explorations, and Mama Earth.
If you’re interested in collaborating in some way or contributing a piece, say hello: curious@pilgrimmag.com. We’d love to hear your ideas!