Pilgrim is a community of mindful explorers and changemakers, tinkerers and craftsfolk, advocates of slow living and the open road and for fellow humans and Mama Earth—coming together to find and share purpose and inspiration through narrative storytelling and beautiful imagery.

Here at Pilgrim Magazine, we believe stories reside within all kinds of nooks and crannies and wide open spaces—on the road, around the world, and in our own backyards. We believe narrative perspectives are rich and powerful things that illuminate our shared humanity and bring an inspired mindfulness to our journeys—the carefully delineated plans and the tickets booked on a whim, coming-of-age rites of passage and unexpected paths weaving right through the pockets of beauty that line this dear old world.

We also believe that every voice matters and has something unique and valuable to bring to our ever-growing table. And we want to hear yours. How have your tales of (mis)adventure, local landscapes, and talking to strangers altered your course, your perspective, your life? What beautiful footprint has your mission or purpose left among a community or the world at large?


Narrative, visual, or some combination of the two, we’d love to hear yours:

Annapurna Circuit Nepal Photographer Martin Zinggl-6


See what contributors from all over the world have published with Pilgrim.